Weather in Frydek - mistek in February

The weather in Frydek - mistek in February is extremely cold, when degrees are between -3 and 4 and there are 15 days of rain and 12 days of snow in average. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to Frydek - mistek in February, warm clothes and gloves are highly recommended.
Avg Temp
(-3°) - 4°
Avg Rainy Days
Avg Dry Days
Avg Snow Days

Weather Facts - Frydek - mistek in February

* The warmest temperature recorded in in February is 17°C
* The coldest temperature recorded in Frydek - mistek in February is (-22°C)
* The average rainfall in Frydek - mistek in February is 24 mm

Average Temperature in Frydek - mistek